8 Years of Marriage



8 year of marriage today!

2 kids

1 house

many ministries

3 degrees

3 Bible Studies written

10,000? cups of coffee

12 renters

2 foreign exchange students

6 countries outside the U.S.

trips to OK, AR, VA, PA, IA, CA

1 dissertation

6 months in England

1 basement renovation

7 State Fairs

2 deck projects

many friends and family

salvation by grace through faith

one very rich journey, indeed!


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3 responses to “8 Years of Marriage

  1. Debbie Rosner

    Amen! Quite the adventure…..and more to come!!!

  2. Diane Tabb

    We thank God for the day you joined our family and for the 8 years since!!

  3. Happy Anniversary you two ❤ I praise God for you!

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